Informações Gerais:
André V. G. Cavalieri is an Assistant Professor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA), with a degree on Aeronautical Engineering at ITA (2004), Master degree on Aerospace Engineering at ITA (2006), PhD on Acoustics at the Université de Poitiers (2012). Post-doctoral research on jet noise in the University of Cambridge (2012), awarded by a David Crighton Fellowship. Research work on aeroacoustics, hydrodynamic instability and turbulence.
Current research includes:
Noise emitted by jets;
Modelling, numerical simulation and experimental studies of instability waves in turbulent flows;
Acoustic scattering by trailing edges;
Aerodynamic noise due to jet-wing interaction;
Noise-reduction control in turbulent flows;
Spectral methods in fluid mechanics.