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Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica

Graduate course in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering

Graduate course in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering - PG/EAM

Coordinator: Rafael Thiago Luiz Ferreira

See also: Graduate School of ITA (in Portuguese).


Research fields


EAM-1 - Aeronautical Design, Aerospace Systems and Structures

Representative: Flávio Luiz Cardoso Ribeiro

Aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics; Aerospace systems, flight mechanics and control; Advanced composites and aerospace structures; Integrated aeronautical design and multidisciplinary optimization (MDO).


Airton Nabarrete Non-linear structural dynamics, uncertainty quantification.
Alfredo R. de Faria (site)  Composites; numerical simulation of fabrication processes.
Antônio Bernardo G. Neto Flight dynamics and control; aeroelasticity
André Fernando C. Silva CFD; flow control and estimation; dimensionality reduction
André V. G. Cavalieri (site)  Aeroacoustics, hydrodynamic instability and turbulence.
Davi A. dos Santos (site)  Modelling, identification, control and navigation of MAVs. 
Domingos A. Rade Smart structures, vibration control, probabilistic structural analysis.
Flávio Luiz C. Ribeiro (site) Modeling, simulation and control of dynamical systems; flight dynamics.
Flávio Luiz da S. Bussamra Aerospace structures; finite element method; composite materials.
Luiz Arthur Gagg Filho Orbital dynamics; optimal space trajectories
Luiz Carlos Sandoval Goés Mechatronics; modelling, identification and control of aerospace systems.
Maisa de Oliveira Terra Modern spatial trajectories; nonlinear dynamics in orbital mechanics.
Mariano A. Arbelo (site) Manufacturing and experimental characterization of composites.
Mauricio V. Donadon (site)    Composite materials; smart strucutres; wind turbines.
Ney Rafael Sêcco Aircraft design; multidisciplinary design optimization.
Rafael Thiago L. Ferreira Structural optimization; composite materials.
Roberto Gil Annes da Silva Unsteady aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, flight dynamics.
Rodrigo Costa Moura Spectral element methods in CFD, simulation of transition and turbulence.
Sandro da Silva Fernandes Aerospace engineering; flight dynamics.
Thiago de Paula Sales Dynamics of multibody systems; probabilistic modeling; numerical simulation.
Vinicius Malatesta Aerodynamics, CFD; Transition and Turbulence, Heat Transfer, High-Order Methods
Vitor Gabriel Kleine Aerodynamics; wind turbines and rotary wings; vortex stability; potential methods.
Willer Gomes dos Santos Astrodynamics; spacecraft control; aerospace systems.


EAM-2 - Aerospace Propulsion and Energy

Representative: Cleverson Bringhenti

Combustion and propulsion of aircraft and aerospace vehicles; Design and technology of gas turbines; Analysis of thermal systems and fluid mechanics.

Research in energy ( Renewable energy; Heliotermic and photovoltaic, wind energy, biomass; Conventional energy: oil and natural gas; Fuel cells, porous combustors, hydrogen.


Ana M. Gómez-Marín Electrochemical systems. Energy conversion/storage.
Cleverson Bringhenti Gas turbines; turbomachinery; propulsion; power generation cycles.
Cristiane Aparecida Martins Combustion and propulsion.
Elisan dos Santos Magalhães Inverse problems; GPU; thermal analysis of manufacturing process
Guilherme Borges Ribeiro Thermal cycles; refrigeration; heat exchangers; two-phase flow; CFD.
Izabela Batista Henriques Thermodynamics, exergy analysis, energy systems.
Jesuíno Takachi Tomita Turbomachinery; gas turbines; propulsion; CFD; aerothermodynamics.
Leila Ribeiro dos Santos Combustion and flow with chemical reactions; Spectroscopy.
Marcelo José S. de Lemos (site)  CFD, turbulence, heat transfer, renewable and conventional energy systems.
Pedro Teixeira Lacava Combustion, propulsion and energetic systems.


EAM-3 - Materials, Manufacturing and Automation

Representative: Kahl D. Zilnyk

System engineering and industrial automation; Advanced materials and manufacturing processes.


Anderson V. Borille (site)  Manufacturing processes; machining; additive manufacture processes.
André da Silva Antunes Mechanical Conformation; Fusion of Metal Alloys; Superplasticity; Physical Metallurgy.
Argemiro S. Silva Sobrinho Plasma material processing.
Carlos Alberto A. Cairo Ceramic materials, ceramic processing, ceramic composites
Douglas Marcel Gonçalves Leite Plasma processes; thin films; characterization of materials.
Emilia Villani (site)  Mechatronics; discrete systems; industrial automation. 
Gilberto Petraconi Filho Plasma technology for aerospace materials.
Gilmar Patrocínio Thim (site)   Nanomaterials.
Jefferson de O. Gomes (site)  Manufacturing processes; machining; numerical control; management.
João Henrique Lopes Biomaterials, biomineralization, bioactive glasses, bioceramics.
Jorge Otubo Shape memory alloys; manufacturing processes.
José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco Chemical propulsion; explosives and pyrotechnics.
Kahl D. Zilnyk Microstruct. characterization; phase transformations; steels & ferrous alloys
Luís Gonzaga Trabasso (site)  Mechatronics; industrial automation; product development.
Luiz Cláudio Pardini Composite materials.
Maria Margareth da Silva Plasma imersion ion implantation (PIII); shape memory effect.
Rene F. B. Gonçalves (site) Chemical propulsion, reactive molecular dynamics, energetic materials.
Ronnie Rodrigo Rego (site)  Gears; residual stress; manufacturing processes
Wesley Rodrigues de Oliveira Collaborative robotics, integration of manufacturing automation systems.


Theses and dissertations

Full texts of PhD theses and MSc. dissertations of the Graduate Course in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering can be obtained through the Digital Library of ITA.


Transverse programs

Some initiatives focus on a specific sector and involve several fields of the graduate program in a transverse manner. PE-AERO is an academic-industrial program related to technological challenges of the aeronautical industry. PPGAO is a program in the area of Operational Applications of interest of the Brazilian Air Force.



An MSc. or PhD student may enroll in courses of his/her program or of others, according to the study plan defined with the adviser. Every six months the Graduate School of ITA publishes a list of  Available Courses. To verify if there are mandatory courses in a given field, and to access the contents of each course, please refer to the Graduate School Catalog (in Portuguese).