Coordinator: Rafael Thiago Luiz Ferreira
See also: Graduate School of ITA (in Portuguese).
Representative: Flávio Luiz Cardoso Ribeiro
Aerodynamics, aeroelasticity and aeroacoustics; Aerospace systems, flight mechanics and control; Advanced composites and aerospace structures; Integrated aeronautical design and multidisciplinary optimization (MDO).
Faculty | |
Airton Nabarrete | Non-linear structural dynamics, uncertainty quantification. |
Alfredo R. de Faria (site) | Composites; numerical simulation of fabrication processes. |
Antônio Bernardo G. Neto | Flight dynamics and control; aeroelasticity |
André Fernando C. Silva | CFD; flow control and estimation; dimensionality reduction |
André V. G. Cavalieri (site) | Aeroacoustics, hydrodynamic instability and turbulence. |
Davi A. dos Santos (site) | Modelling, identification, control and navigation of MAVs. |
Domingos A. Rade | Smart structures, vibration control, probabilistic structural analysis. |
Flávio Luiz C. Ribeiro (site) | Modeling, simulation and control of dynamical systems; flight dynamics. |
Flávio Luiz da S. Bussamra | Aerospace structures; finite element method; composite materials. |
Luiz Arthur Gagg Filho | Orbital dynamics; optimal space trajectories |
Luiz Carlos Sandoval Goés | Mechatronics; modelling, identification and control of aerospace systems. |
Maisa de Oliveira Terra | Modern spatial trajectories; nonlinear dynamics in orbital mechanics. |
Mariano A. Arbelo (site) | Manufacturing and experimental characterization of composites. |
Mauricio V. Donadon (site) | Composite materials; smart strucutres; wind turbines. |
Ney Rafael Sêcco | Aircraft design; multidisciplinary design optimization. |
Rafael Thiago L. Ferreira | Structural optimization; composite materials. |
Roberto Gil Annes da Silva | Unsteady aerodynamics, aeroelasticity, flight dynamics. |
Rodrigo Costa Moura | Spectral element methods in CFD, simulation of transition and turbulence. |
Sandro da Silva Fernandes | Aerospace engineering; flight dynamics. |
Thiago de Paula Sales | Dynamics of multibody systems; probabilistic modeling; numerical simulation. |
Vinicius Malatesta | Aerodynamics, CFD; Transition and Turbulence, Heat Transfer, High-Order Methods |
Vitor Gabriel Kleine | Aerodynamics; wind turbines and rotary wings; vortex stability; potential methods. |
Willer Gomes dos Santos | Astrodynamics; spacecraft control; aerospace systems. |
Representative: Cleverson Bringhenti
Combustion and propulsion of aircraft and aerospace vehicles; Design and technology of gas turbines; Analysis of thermal systems and fluid mechanics.
Research in energy ( Renewable energy; Heliotermic and photovoltaic, wind energy, biomass; Conventional energy: oil and natural gas; Fuel cells, porous combustors, hydrogen.
Faculty | |
Ana M. Gómez-Marín | Electrochemical systems. Energy conversion/storage. |
Cleverson Bringhenti | Gas turbines; turbomachinery; propulsion; power generation cycles. |
Cristiane Aparecida Martins | Combustion and propulsion. |
Elisan dos Santos Magalhães | Inverse problems; GPU; thermal analysis of manufacturing process |
Guilherme Borges Ribeiro | Thermal cycles; refrigeration; heat exchangers; two-phase flow; CFD. |
Izabela Batista Henriques | Thermodynamics, exergy analysis, energy systems. |
Jesuíno Takachi Tomita | Turbomachinery; gas turbines; propulsion; CFD; aerothermodynamics. |
Leila Ribeiro dos Santos | Combustion and flow with chemical reactions; Spectroscopy. |
Marcelo José S. de Lemos (site) | CFD, turbulence, heat transfer, renewable and conventional energy systems. |
Pedro Teixeira Lacava | Combustion, propulsion and energetic systems. |
Representative: Kahl D. Zilnyk
System engineering and industrial automation; Advanced materials and manufacturing processes.
Faculty | |
Anderson V. Borille (site) | Manufacturing processes; machining; additive manufacture processes. |
André da Silva Antunes | Mechanical Conformation; Fusion of Metal Alloys; Superplasticity; Physical Metallurgy. |
Argemiro S. Silva Sobrinho | Plasma material processing. |
Carlos Alberto A. Cairo | Ceramic materials, ceramic processing, ceramic composites |
Douglas Marcel Gonçalves Leite | Plasma processes; thin films; characterization of materials. |
Emilia Villani (site) | Mechatronics; discrete systems; industrial automation. |
Gilberto Petraconi Filho | Plasma technology for aerospace materials. |
Gilmar Patrocínio Thim (site) | Nanomaterials. |
Jefferson de O. Gomes (site) | Manufacturing processes; machining; numerical control; management. |
João Henrique Lopes | Biomaterials, biomineralization, bioactive glasses, bioceramics. |
Jorge Otubo | Shape memory alloys; manufacturing processes. |
José Atílio Fritz Fidel Rocco | Chemical propulsion; explosives and pyrotechnics. |
Kahl D. Zilnyk | Microstruct. characterization; phase transformations; steels & ferrous alloys |
Luís Gonzaga Trabasso (site) | Mechatronics; industrial automation; product development. |
Luiz Cláudio Pardini | Composite materials. |
Maria Margareth da Silva | Plasma imersion ion implantation (PIII); shape memory effect. |
Rene F. B. Gonçalves (site) | Chemical propulsion, reactive molecular dynamics, energetic materials. |
Ronnie Rodrigo Rego (site) | Gears; residual stress; manufacturing processes |
Wesley Rodrigues de Oliveira | Collaborative robotics, integration of manufacturing automation systems. |
Full texts of PhD theses and MSc. dissertations of the Graduate Course in Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering can be obtained through the Digital Library of ITA.
Some initiatives focus on a specific sector and involve several fields of the graduate program in a transverse manner. PE-AERO is an academic-industrial program related to technological challenges of the aeronautical industry. PPGAO is a program in the area of Operational Applications of interest of the Brazilian Air Force.
An MSc. or PhD student may enroll in courses of his/her program or of others, according to the study plan defined with the adviser. Every six months the Graduate School of ITA publishes a list of Available Courses. To verify if there are mandatory courses in a given field, and to access the contents of each course, please refer to the Graduate School Catalog (in Portuguese).