IMPORTANT: ALL candidates registered in the selection process must take a basic math test (not just those enrolled for the PG-EAM and PG-EIA).
IMPORTANTE: Acesse neste link a versão em português.
1. Registration periods
ITA accepts applications for the academic master, academic doctorate and PMG (Master Program for Undergraduates) courses in two periods:
IMPORTANT: From september 2nd to october 18, 2024, registration is open for the selection process with admission in the first semester of 2025.
2. Eligibility
Candidates with complete higher education, civil or military, Brazilian or foreign, can register in the selection process for ITA academic master and academic doctorate courses. The course can be done with full-time or part-time dedication. Candidates who are regularly enrolled in undergraduate courses can apply for the PMG selection process.
3. Registration of military and civil servants of the Brazilian Air Force
IMPORTANT: Military personnel from Brazilian Air Force, Army or Navy, and civil servants of the Brazilian Air Force who wish to participate in the selection process must check the additional requirements and instructions available in the portuguese version of this page. Foreigner military personnel must send their application to EMAER (Estado Maior da Aeronáutica) through the embassy of their country.
4. Graduate programs
ITA offers places in the following graduate programs:
Before starting your application, we recommend to consult the webpages of each program and select the program and area of interest.
5. Electronic registration form
Application for the selection process must be made through the Electronic Registration Form (available at the following link: ).
6. Required documents
The documents listed below must be provided in .pdf or .jpeg format and must not exceed 10 MB (each file):
7. Preliminary research proposal
The preliminary research proposal is a mandatory document for all candidates. It must contain a description of the area of interest, motivation, research objective and work plan, following the specific template defined for each graduate program:
If the candidate has contacted an professor to define the research proposal and invited him to be his advisor, please indicated in the proposal. The professor appointed as advisor must be accredited as a professor of the selected graduate program.
8. Scholarships
Full-time (non-employed) students can apply for institutional scholarships. To do so, the candidate must check the corresponding option on the Electronic Application Form. We observe that the candidate's approval in the selection process does not imply the granting of scholarships.
9. Basic math test
All candidates must take a free basic logic and mathematics test, with 16 questions, written in English and lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes, which will be applied online on a date to be informed to the candidates. Candidates can find the memory of the selection process exams at the link:
The syllabus of the basic math test covers the following topics: logic; sets, relations and functions; arithmetic (including simple and compound rules of three); radicals, exponentials, logarithms and hyperbolic functions; analytical geometry (in two and three dimensions); plane geometry and spatial geometry; plane and spherical trigonometry; sequences and series (including A.P and G.P); probabilities and combinatorial analysis (including Newton binomials); matrices and determinants; algebra (including systems of equations and polynomials); complex numbers; limits, derivatives and simple integrals. Candidates can find the memory of the selection process exams at the link:
IMPORTANT: For admission in the 1st period of 2025, candidates must take a basic mathematics test that will be held on November 11, 2024 (Monday), at 9h00 am (Brasilia time). Applicants will receive an e-mail with instructions by october 21 , 2024 (on the e-mail address provided in the Electronic Application Form). If you do not receive the e-mail with instructions, please send a message to until October 25, 2024. The test has an expected duration of 1 hour and 30 minutes. During the test, the candidate must remain connected to a virtual room on the Google Meet platform, with open camera and microphone, therefore, a stable internet connection is required. Any type of consultation or use of electronic devices to solve the test questions is not be allowed.
10. English test for Master's and PMG candidates
Candidates for Masters and PMG courses have also to perform a test of basic knowledge in English (interpretation and writing), which is free of charge and has a duration of 1 hour. The test is done on the same day as the basic logic and mathematics test, starting at 11am (Brasília time), and following the same format. The candidate is not allowed to consult or use dictionaries or electronic devices to answer the test questions.
NOTE1: Doctoral candidates are exempt from this test.
11. Certificate of English Proficiency for Doctoral Candidates
Doctoral candidates approved in the selection process with full-time dedication must provide, on the date of REGISTRATION, one of the following English proficiency certificates:
For admission to the doctorate courses, the certificate is considered valid regardless of the date it was obtained (certificates obtained more than two years ago can also be used).
Doctoral candidates approved in the selection process with part-time dedication do not need to provide the English proficiency certificate at the time of their first enrollment. The certificate will only be required when migrating from the special student category to that of regular student.
12. Selection of candidates
The selection of candidates is based on the analysis of the documentation presented by the candidate, on the candidate's performance in the tests described above and on additional criteria defined by each program, which may include an interview, as describe on the website of each program.
13. Disclosure of results
The list of candidates registered in the selection process and the list of approved candidates will be published on the ITA website. Enrollment dates are defined in the graduate calendar.
IMPORTANT: The list of candidates registered and approved in the selection process of the PG/PO program will be published on the UNIFESP website.
IMPORTANT: Questions must be sent via email to or via WhatsApp to +55 12 99147-1625.